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A tiny village on the north side of Howe Sound, Langdale is the home of the BC Ferry terminal that links Highway 99 in Horseshoe Bay (Vancouver) to Highway 101 on the Sunshine Coast. The Langdale ferry terminal is also the place to take a boat to Keats and Gambier Islands, where you can hike, fish and explore.

Getting to Langdale

From Vancouver, by car, take Highway 101 to Horseshoe Bay. Langdale is a 40-minute ferry ride away.

Outdoor Adventure

Right at the ferry terminal is a BC Wildlife Watch viewing site. A small creek runs along the southern side of the ferry terminal and from October to December coho and chum salmon spawn here. From there you can head one-kilometre south to Hopkins Landing, a good place for a swim and seaside walk, or to Smith Cove Park where you can enjoy the views of Gambier Island.

You can also travel 4km north to the Langdale Heights Golf Course. This year-round 9-hole public course provides views of Howe Sound, Gambier Island and the coast mountains.

General Enquiries
Gulf Island Vacation Rentals
British Columbia, Canada

The information contained on this web site is provided by the property owners. While Sunshine Coast Rentals Inc. inspects all of our houses we cannot guarantee the accuracy of listings at your time of visit.

Copyright 2007 - Zima Enterprises Inc.
Images Copyright 2007 - Kevin Oke Photography - all rights reserved.